Vocational and Spiritual Prayers

This is a blog designed just for prayers, writtings, or other types of literature that i may come across during the day. These prayers or types of Liturature are for your own use for prayer time or just to reflect on.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Never the Same Again

Love, so they say, cahnges everyone,
Love so they say, is gradn.
It melts your heart and fires your soul,
And you're never the same again.

Love, so they say, changes everyone,
Love puts all fear to flight.
It strengthens your arms and steadies your mind,
And it floods your soul with light.

Love, so they say, changes everyone,
It brings you joy and grief.
It tests your heart with conufsion sore,
But gives rest at last in belief.

For Love, as we know, is a person,
Who suffered and died for us all,
who stands ther now, on the further shore,
Raising His Voice in a call.

A call from Love to love,
A call to be His alone,
And, as they say, Love indeed is grand:
You're never the same again!


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