Vocational and Spiritual Prayers

This is a blog designed just for prayers, writtings, or other types of literature that i may come across during the day. These prayers or types of Liturature are for your own use for prayer time or just to reflect on.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Prayer to St. Maria Goretti

Heroic and angelic Saint Maria Goretti, we kneel before you to honor your perserving fortitude and to beg your gracious aid. Teach us a deep love for the precepts of our Holy Church; help us to see in them, the very voice of our Father in Heaven. May we preserve without stain our white baptismal robe of innocence.
May we who have lost this innocence kneeel humbly in Holy Penance; and with the absolution of the priest may the torent of Christ's precious Blood flow into our souls and give us new courage to carry the burning light of God's love through the dangerous highways of this life until Christ our King shall call us to the courts of heaven.


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